As a result of both this labour migration and the under-investment in the agricultural sector, farming productivity has not improved. 由于这种劳动力迁移和农业领域投资不足,农业生产力未见改善。
Labour migration, contrary to some fears, has also been beneficial. 与某些人的担忧相反,劳动力迁移也十分有益。
As an important part of rural labour, the study on fishery labour migration should base on rural labour migration. 渔业劳动力作为农业劳动力的重要组成部分,其转移的研究必然要以农业劳动力转移的研究为基础。
The new Foxconn factory is already helping change local workers 'minds about labour migration. 富士康的新厂已帮助改变了当地人对农民工的概念。
The huge amount of labour migration across China means we have tens of millions of young people far away from home. 中国大量的外来务工人员,意味着我们有数千万年轻人远离家乡。
But the competition boosted rents and labour costs, forcing a wave of reverse migration. 但激烈的竞争推升了当地的租金和劳动力成本,导致了一波撤离织里的浪潮。
Rural Labour Migration and Migration Training& Taking Xundian County as an Example 农村劳动力转移及转移培训&以寻甸县农村劳动力转移培训为例
Analysis of the Current Situation of Rural Labour Migration in Shandong Province and the Measures to Accelerate the Migration 山东省农村劳动力转移现状分析及加快推进转移的对策研究
Labour Migration as A New Determinant of Income Growth in Rural China 劳动力流动:中国农村收入增长的新因素
The paper mainly discusses historical evolution of population and labour force, migration scale and migration types in the contiguous area. 本文着重探讨了晋陕蒙接壤区人口和劳动力的历史发展、转移规模及转移类型。
The third chapter was a discussion of the driving force of the evolution from the following perspectives: people-land relationship, national politics, labour migration and technical innovation. 第三章对苏南农地制度变迁的动因从人地关系、国家政治、劳动力转移和技术进步等角度进行了探讨;